I have Ubuntu installed again! :D !

Once again, I have Ubuntu installed.

Before when I was trying to install Ubuntu , I couldn’t find my Gutsy disk and had to stick with Feisty (which worked horridly). But now that I’ve found it, I’m typing this from Fluxbox on Gutsy 🙂 .

I inserted the disk and was in 800×600 land. I figured I would fix it after I got Ubuntu installed. So, I ran the install, and for the first time ever, I have a seperate /home partition.

On the first reboot everything ran fine, I installed from the restricted drivers manager, all was well. Reboot time. I rebooted, and everything was terribly slow. I couldn’t figure out Compiz’s process name for upwards of 20 minutes. In the midst of that, I installed Fluxbox. I spent bunches of time editing  the init  file to go to the correct menu file, only to find out later that the whole time I was linking to the wrong one.

Well,  after  I got back into a working GNOME, I installed all the apps I  need .  Then , I  Made a new Fluxbox menu.  The first thing I noticed was how much easier it was not to nest [submenu] and [end] tags. Must ‘ve come from learning (X)HTML.

So here I am, all happy that my Linux install is working and Fluxbox is up. I’m off to get aliases set up. After spending so much time being unsatisfied with Linux and liking Windows more and more, I forgot how much I loved the customizability of Linux 🙂 . As I said earlier, I’m off to make aliases. It feels like I’m starting Linux all over again! So exciting!

4 Responses to I have Ubuntu installed again! :D !

  1. LaRoza says:

    Yes, each new version of Ubuntu seems to get better, in general.

  2. nikopsk says:

    Good for you, been fiddling with hardy 6 for awhile. 🙂

  3. Dr Small says:

    I seemed to have problems with Gutsy, with my video cards, so I just stuck with Feisty. But I absolutely can not live without the simplicity of IceWM! 😀

  4. linuxtechie says:

    Good for you. 😉 I’ve also noticed that each release of Ubuntu just gets better 😀 And faster too. I can’t say that about Windows though 😈

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